Some useful forms and/or interesting links
Getting Your Stuff In Order (pdf) - Advice on the documents you should have ready.
Resources for Getting Your "Stuff" in Order (pdf)
The University of New Mexico has developed a wonderful Values History form to assist you in thinking about and recording your personal values regarding your health and care wishes.
Download their form UNM Values History.
I’ve adapted the UNM Values History Form in a different format for my clients to complete so we can have a conversation and record of their wishes when or if I need to be their spokesperson in the future. This might be useful in sharing your wishes with your family members or others who will be your agent on a Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care.
Download my adaptation Personal Values History.
Checklist for My Family: A Guide to My History, Financial Plans, and Final Wishes April 2015
By Sally Balch Hurme
40% off for AARP members available as a click-through on the aarp web site. It takes you to the American Bar Association (ABA) website for the discount, use code: AARP
Checklist for Family Survivors February 2014
By Sally Balch Hurme
40% off for AARP members available as a click-through on the aarp web site. It takes you to the American Bar Association (ABA) website for the discount, use code: AARP
Get It Together by Melanie Cullen with Shae Irving, J.D. “OrganizeYourRecordsSoYourFamilyWon’tHaveTo”October2014–6th Edition $19.99 + $5 or $13 shipping
Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End by Atul Gawande
“A deeply affecting, urgently important book--one not just about dying and the
limits of medicine but about living to the last with autonomy, dignity, and joy.” ―Katherine Boo
It’s Never Too Late to Begin Again by Julia Cameron
“What’s next?” for those who are embarking on their ‘second act.’”
Links to other Web sites.
Center for Guardianship Certification
National Guardianship Association
Aging Life Care Association (Care Managers)
Elder Law offices of Barry Meyers